Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Radah is a Hebrew word meaning to reign, to have control and not let the world control you.

For the past few months I haven’t worried about even trying. I have only taken my temperature when I was sick, didn’t pee on sticks of any kind and even stopped taking the prenatal vitamins that I have been on for nearly 2 years! We certainly weren’t timing a thing.

Lately I have been obsessed again. I can’t sleep. I keep thinking, “What if, what if, what if…” It’s been driving me crazy!

Today’s message at church was the last in a series about being the person who you were born to be through Christ. Specifically, it was about control. Becoming a parent has been in control of my life. It has all been about me! This is not how we were meant to live! Jesus doesn’t want you to think less of yourself, but wants you to think of yourself less.

So my goal is “to let go, and let God” because I am not in control, it is not my fault, nor is it my purpose to obsess. I need to do some soul searching, find some time to listen to God and rediscover His purpose for me. Will this be an easy task? Absolutely not, but I have the Holy Spirit on my side!