Monday, May 18, 2009


I don't really consider my blogging skills up to par... I'm a very consise and often factual writer, but thanks Meghan! You are truly AWE-SUMMM!

And now for the rules:
List 7 things that make you Awe-Summ and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers you love. Make sure to tag your recipients and let them know they have won! Also link back to the Queen that tagged you.

7 reasons I am AWE-SUMMM

1. I am an Awe-Summm teacher!
2. I am an Awe-Summm daughter!
3. I am an Awe-Summm sister!
4. I am an Awe-Summm wife!
5. I am an Awe-Summm friend!
6. I am an Awe-Summm artist!
7. I will be an Awe-Summm Mom!


7 AWE-SUMMM Bloggers I'm passing this on to are...


Sunday, May 17, 2009


I REALLY needed to digest everything that happened before I posted...

I had a Clomid Check u/s scheduled for Thursday, May 14th at 1:00 pm so I took the day off of work. I was in a great mood! I wasn't worried/upset about possibly having to skip a month of fertility treatments because I am really at peace with this process. I decided to run some errands before my appointment and hit the road. I went to the bank, the gas station and was on my way to Lowe's to pick up a few things that I had ordered when...

CRASH!!! "What just happened?"

I looked to my left, already shaking, and realized that there was no glass separating me from the grill of the black Ford Excursion that just hit my car (I drive a Honda Civic). I look to the right and couldn't figure out how the hell that side mirror landed on the dashboard. The SUV moves and I try to open the door. It won't budge. I call 911. It's 11:40 am.

I climb out through the passenger door and nice guy helped shake the glass off of me. He tells me that the woman who hit me is pregnant and has a toddler in the car. GREAT. I'm already getting a headache, might miss my R/E appointment, and the woman in the other car is expecting number 2! Sigh... This is when I realize that I may need to skip this month of treatments so that my body can heal. I'll need to go to the ER.

It took me 45 minutes to get a hold of my husband, by which time I had already been seen by the paramedics, the fire department had already cleaned up and the woman who hit me had mysteriously disappeared. We just had to wait for the police report. Why does this take so long?

FINALLY, after nearly 2 hours, we get to leave the scene and go to the R/E appointment. They get me in really quick because they know I'll be going to the ER immediately afterwards. I have a cyst, so I am put on birth control pills and sent on my way. The up side is that this visit was covered by insurance.

The ER was pretty empty so I was sent right back. I got a CT scan and several X-rays. I was only there for about 3 hours. I got sent home with prescriptions for pain meds and muscle relaxers... I'm just sore, thankfully... no major damage!

Although we left the ER at about 6:30 pm, we didn't get home until 9:00 pm. We still had to get the car towed and go to the pharmacy.

It was an exhausting day. I'm still sore. I'm thankful that all involved are okay AND that I don't have the additional worry of fertility treatments. That's right... I'm HAPPY that I have the month off and that I didn't have to make that decision myself. Who would have ever thought that a cyst would be a blessing?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


My temps dropped so I knew that I would be getting my visit soon and here she is...

I'm really not all that upset. I was expecting a meltdown, but instead I feel at peace. God has a plan for us and last month was not it. I know in my heart that we are on the right track. We WILL get pregnant and grow our family.

So, now I'm off to call the RE and schedule an u/s to check for cysts. I hope there aren't any so we can continue on to IUI #2.

Friday, May 8, 2009


I'm on CD 24 and 12 DPO. I've become addicted to peeing on HPT tests. They've all been negative, but it has been way too early. I have a lot of hope because my BBT chart looks absolutely promising. I'm due for a visit from Aunt Flow on Monday... I'm going to try to hold out to take another test until Sunday, but this wait is killing me!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

CD18 - 6 DPO - The Wait

The wait. The wait is killing me. Am I pregnant? Do I have to do this again? Could I possibly be lucky on the first try? Questions, questions, questions...

I am due to start on Monday, May 11th. When should I test? Should I "risk" taking one on May 10th? Fertility Friend says to wait until Friday, May 15th. I'm not sure I can wait that long!

It's been 5 days since the IUI.

How do you deal with the TWO WEEK WAIT!?