I work in a predominantly XX (female) work place. I am a teacher. There are a total of 6 men in the building. One of these men (I'll call him Mr. XY) is quite the conservative chauvinistic ass. He often pisses off the women I work with and we are all constintantly biting our tongues, knowing that there is no use arguing with someone so closed-minded.
I couldn't keep my mouth shut today though...
The ladies and I were talking about the sick day I took yesterday, Clomid side-effects and tomorrow's u/s (I'm SO excited!). I was explaining to someone the procedure and such when one of my friends said, "You could use my eggs, I've got plenty!" I then went on to explain that I don't NEED eggs, I NEED better quality sperm... That's when Mr. XY chimed in. "Always blaming it on the man," he said. WHAT!? Hello! Ever hear of a SPERM ANALYSIS!
Mr. XY also made comments about icing my DH down and using a turkey baster! SERIOUSLY!? Are you THAT damaged!
I did tell him that comments like that are likely to make my blog. Mr. XY's response? "I have better things to do with my time than the Internet... Like cutting grass and playing golf!
Lol! What an idiot!
On a much more EAGER, DELIGHTED, EXCITED note... I am so looking forward to the u/s tomorrow! I'm praying for lots of big, fat, healthy follicles! :-)
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