Monday, April 27, 2009
IUI #1
Back up to the RE's office and still had to wait for another hour! Ugh! And I had to wait again for another 30 minutes once I was wearing my paper napkin!
The procedure was quick. Literally seconds... it didn't hurt much, but it wasn't a happy feeling either!
Now we wait!
$15.00 for Consultation
$100.00 for Sperm Count
$3.90 for Antibiotic to take for HSG Test
$502.50 for HSG Test
$15.00 for Office Visit
$38.49 for Clomid Round 1
$150.00 for Follicle Check
$77.00 for Trigger Shot
$400.00 for Sperm Wash and IUI
$20.00 for Vivelle-dot prescription
Saturday, April 25, 2009
CD 11 - Trigger Shot
Now I'm off to the Cherokee Triangle Art Fair and more splitting lanes to get there!
$15.00 for Consultation
$100.00 for Sperm Count
$3.90 for Antibiotic to take for HSG Test
$502.50 for HSG Test
$15.00 for Office Visit
$38.49 for Clomid Round 1
$150.00 for Follicle Check
$77.00 for Trigger Shot
Friday, April 24, 2009
CD10 - Ultrasound
My lining wasn't quite where they wanted it to be so the nurse wanted to consult with my doctor about the HCG trigger shot and IUI schedule... In the mean time, I'm still on the estradiol patch hoping to thicken things up!
Update: WE ARE ON!
I am triggering tomorrow and having the IUI on Sunday!
$15.00 for Consultation
$100.00 for Sperm Count
$3.90 for Antibiotic to take for HSG Test
$502.50 for HSG Test
$15.00 for Office Visit
$38.49 for Clomid Round 1
$150.00 for Follicle Check
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Mr. XY
I work in a predominantly XX (female) work place. I am a teacher. There are a total of 6 men in the building. One of these men (I'll call him Mr. XY) is quite the conservative chauvinistic ass. He often pisses off the women I work with and we are all constintantly biting our tongues, knowing that there is no use arguing with someone so closed-minded.
I couldn't keep my mouth shut today though...
The ladies and I were talking about the sick day I took yesterday, Clomid side-effects and tomorrow's u/s (I'm SO excited!). I was explaining to someone the procedure and such when one of my friends said, "You could use my eggs, I've got plenty!" I then went on to explain that I don't NEED eggs, I NEED better quality sperm... That's when Mr. XY chimed in. "Always blaming it on the man," he said. WHAT!? Hello! Ever hear of a SPERM ANALYSIS!
Mr. XY also made comments about icing my DH down and using a turkey baster! SERIOUSLY!? Are you THAT damaged!
I did tell him that comments like that are likely to make my blog. Mr. XY's response? "I have better things to do with my time than the Internet... Like cutting grass and playing golf!
Lol! What an idiot!
On a much more EAGER, DELIGHTED, EXCITED note... I am so looking forward to the u/s tomorrow! I'm praying for lots of big, fat, healthy follicles! :-)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I'm looking forward to Friday and getting the u/s to check things out. I'm realistically optimistic!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
CD5 - Side Effects
I haven't slept in two nights! I have also had some mild hot flashes, but those are tolerable. I am exhausted and if I take a nap now it will just make attempting to sleep tonight even worse!
If I don't get pregnant this cycle, then I am switching to taking the Clomid in the morning. I wonder what would be worse for my students... A really tired teacher or a really wired and scattered one!? Thank God there are only 6 weeks left until summer break!
I'm taking Sominex tonight... at least an hour before I take the Clomid!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I had a girls-night with Mom last night. My step-dad is out of town, so we went out to dinner then came home to watch some TV in bed. I took 100mg of Clomid at 8pm, knowing that I’d be crashing out at about 9:00. Mom fell asleep at 8:15! :-)
I hardly slept at all! Part of it was the Clomid, I am sure… And part of it was the noise that my Mom insists that she doesn’t make while sleeping (SNORE!). :-)
I did get a few restless hours of sleep last night and I’m hoping to take a nap soon, but I feel so edgy! Like I’ve had too much caffeine and not enough food! If my body were making a noise related to the anxiety I feel it would be a non-stop monotonous buzzing. (ZZZZZZZZZZZZ)
I need to relax!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
CD3 = 4/17/09 (Friday) First Day of 100 mg Clomid
CD7 = 4/21/09 (Tuesday) Last Day of 100 mg Clomid
CD8 = 4/22/09 (Wednesday) First Day of Estradiol Patch
CD10 = 4/24/09 (Friday) Ultrasound
CD?? = IUI?
CD26 = 5/10/09 (Sunday) Last Day of Cycle
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I have been using My Monthly Cycles to track my menstrual cycles since September 2004. It's a great tool! I originally used it just to keep track, so I wouldn't be surprised when Aunt Flow came to visit. Then I used it to help figure out when I ovulate. NOW! According to My Monthly Cycles I should start my period on Wednesday, April 15th! I am so excited to start this process... Just knowing that there is a reason for our infertility and having a plan gives me hope. I know, that it may take a few cycles or even further interventions to add to our family, but I have not been excited about CYCLE DAY 1 for TWO years!
All you infertile girls out there know what I'm talking about... The Day 1 disappointment, the tears, the frustration... Those feelings might come back next month, but for now...
I'm counting the days! :-)
Monday, April 6, 2009
Let me list a few of my favorites:
1) It's in the water, just keep drinking it!
Last I heard, drinking water doesn't have much to do with conception! The statement, "It's in the water" says to me, "I'm pregnant! Look at me! Nah, nah, nah, nah, boo-boo!"
2) Are you having sex?
Seriously!? What kind of question is that!?
3) Why are you using Clomid?
Didn't I just explain that to you? Isn't that what we were JUST speaking about?
SIGH... I know, I know... I shouldn't take it personally, but we've been trying for 2 years and FINALLY have an answer, so why not just say, "Great! Good for you! I'm praying for you! Good luck!"???
Friday, April 3, 2009
$15.00 for Consultation
$100.00 for Sperm count
$3.90 for Antibiotic to take for HSG test
$502.50 for HSG test
$15.00 for Office Visit
$38.49 for Clomid Round 1
I also got a bill for the remaining cost of the HSG test, since insurance decided not to pay for it!