Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I've had SEVERAL friends who, when pregnant, had scheduled to be induced and FINALLY went into labor naturally the day of their appointment.

Maybe it's mental.

I had an appointment scheduled for today to get a blood pregnancy test done. The point of the test was so that I could safely go on Provera to start my cycle. I knew I wasn't pregnant.

This morning... I started naturally.

Again, maybe it's mental.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Well... I finally got to it! I called my RE's office to talk to Nurse Pat. She is awesome, by the way. I told her I am on day 43 of my cycle now and that is VERY unusual for me (I'm a very regular 26-day kind of girl). So, now I am scheduled for a blood pregnancy test (just to confirm what I already know) and then I will be put on Provera. My body is all kinds of whacked out due to all these drugs!

I also called the RE's finance people and Kim told me that they need an up-front payment of $2665 to pay for all of the blood work and scans! Ack! Don't know where all that is going to come from all at once, but hopefully we will figure it out. We've been thinking about taking out a home equity loan to do some work on the house, so... well... I don't know!

The hubby and I are also scheduled with the lab for blood draws just in case this SUPEROVULATION round turns into an IVF round!

Getting my ducks all in a row!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I stopped taking the birth control pills on Tuesday, June 9th and I still haven't started my period! I can't start my next round of treatment until Aunt Flow makes her appearance! Ack!

I am however, feeling a bit of pain on my right side. Maybe that pesky "little" cysts is about to say "buh-bye". Maybe that's why my period hasn't started. A little burst, a little menstuation and a little bambino!

Wouldn't that be nice!?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Finally! An update! I had been on BCP for the past month due to a cyst that my RE found on my LEFT overy. It burst a few weeks later... OUCH! But at least I knew it was gone!

I went to my scheduled Clomid Check u/s appointment today and SURPRISE, SURPRISE... No cyst on the left overy, but now I have one on the RIGHT overy!!! Another month of no treatment for me. Sigh... They also saw a fibroid, so back to the u/s room for a saline u/s... OUCH! Thankfully, it doesn't have to be removed AND my RE wrote it off as "Irregular Bleeding" so all I had to pay for TWO u/s was $15!!!

My RE told me that if I wanted to I could have another u/s on Cycle Day 3. I don't know if I will, but at least it could still open up the possibility to continue this cycle.

When I do get to try again I will be on Letrozole with FSH Injections... Another OUCH! OUCH for having to stick myself and OUCH for my wallet. Sigh...


$15.00 for Consultation
$100.00 for Sperm Count
$3.90 for Antibiotic to take for HSG Test
$502.50 for HSG Test
$15.00 for Office Visit
$38.49 for Clomid Round 1
$150.00 for Follicle Check
$77.00 for Trigger Shot
$400.00 for Sperm Wash and IUI
$20.00 for Vivelle-dot prescription
$15.00 for Clomid Check - cyst 1 found
$15.00 for Clomid Check - cyst 2 found
